FAQ's - Mively
Directory Visitors
Our directory can be searched by three primary criteria:
Business Type/ Category
Name or brief description
Constructive feedback makes a business improve their services, and helps other users make better informed choices. You can submit your review by searching for the business, going to their listing page and filling the review form.
We have an easy to navigate website with clearly marked tabs. Use the contact form at the business listing page to get in touch with a business directly.
As a user you can bookmark a business listing, as well as share it on your social media with an easy click. Fill the review form on the listing and use the social share buttons. By submitting reviews and sharing information, you can help these businesses to improve their services and serve the community better.
Business Owners
Add your listing here. (Link)
For more details, get in touch with us (contact form) for a consultation about what would best serve your business promotion needs.
A website is always a good option to represent your business and provide information. For a stunning fully customized business website, please contact our web designer Prestige Interactive.
Your listing at Mively can serve the same purpose as having a mini website. You can upload photos, display reviews, share contact information and even get contacted easily through a contact form.
For maximum visibility you can choose our premium listing package. This package costs only $97 for one year and is designed to provide you with the maximum exposure for your business. Your listing will be featured on our home page and our social media.
Details! Users look for ease of use, convenience and reviews.
As a business you can do your part by providing the listing with a short description of your business and as many details as possible to showcase your best services. This includes:
- Select all the categories and subcategories that are relevant to your business.
- Use keywords in your business descriptions
- Upload as many photos are possible
- Share all the contact information
- Share all your social media links
- Request reviews from current customers